
Education and Culture

Education & Culture
Here at Cleveland State University, students, faculty, and staff are working together towards a sustainable future. Sustainability initiatives are embedded into curriculum, research, culture and support services on campus.

CSU Sustainability Centers|Study Sustainability|Careers in Sustainability|Diversity|Wellness|Campus Sustainability Resources

CSU Sustainability Centers

Sustainable Business Center

TheSustainable Business Centerprovides services to increase organizational efficiency improve employee engagement in sustainability initiatives, and provides engaged learning opportunities. The center focuses on integrating sustainable business practices involving social, environmental, and economic factors. The Corporate Roundtable is a peer-learning network that shares sustainability initiatives for starting conversations with local businesses, non-profits, government and civic organizations and others.

Energy Policy Center

The Levin College of Urban Affairs hosts theEnergy Policy Center (EPC)to engage local, state, national and international communities in dialogue on energy policy and support for energy-related research in public policy, economics, business and social science.

STUdy sustainability

Cleveland State University offers an array of programs, including bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees, for those interested in pursuing a career in sustainability.Students can enroll in a variety of courses related to sustainability and the environment. Explore your options in theonline course catalog.

Careers in sustainability

As more Americans become aware of their ecological footprint, businesses, nonprofits, and universities are taking action, resulting in a growth of green job and degree opportunities. In fact, according to the latest data provided by Ecotech Institute, there were approximately489,542 green jobscreated in August 2015 - a 57% increase from the prior year! There has never been a better time for students to pursue a career in sustainability!

Check out theCareers in Sustainabilityguide for anoverview of common green career paths and a breakdown of employment opportunities by state.


Cleveland State's commitment to Inclusive Excellence is reflected in the Cleveland State UniversityDiversity Plan: Pursuing Inclusive Excellence, which was ratified by the CSU Board of trustees in September 2016. Written by the President's Council on Diversity, the plan reinforces how inclusion and diversity enhance the University's performance in eight strategic areas: Enhance Undergraduate Education; Enrich Graduate Education and Research; Pursue and Enhance Programs of Distinction; Promote Engaged Learning to Connect Students to Real-World Experiences; Maintain a Steady Budget Model; Stabilize Revenue through Increasing Enrollments; Create Leadership Development Opportunities; Improve the Physical Environment of the Campus.

The Division of University Engagement and itsInclusion and Multicultural Engagementdivision encompass CSU's commitment to advancing diversity and equity in all its affairs, providing opportunities for all students to be successful and celebrating the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the campus community.

The President’s Council on Diversityadvises the Chief Diversity Officer regarding all aspects of diversity applicable to the work of the University and its faculty, staff, students and administrators. Made up of senior administrators, faculty and students appointed by the President, it sets goals and priorities in accordance with the Diversity Action Plan, monitors progress towards those goals, and updates the Diversity Action Plan as needed.

Beplay官网下载克利夫兰州立大学的多元化委员会基于“增大化现实”技术e assemblages of faculty, staff and external stakeholders who meet regularly to design, implement and monitor strategies that address diversity challenges and opportunities in each of the University’s colleges. Members are appointed by the respective Deans of the colleges and departments throughout the University.

Cleveland State’s commitment to diversity and social sustainability extends to purchasing practices as well.Fifteen per cent of the annual total aggregate purchases of goods and services are to be set aside for bidding only toMinority Business Enterprises (MBEs).

Five per cent of the annual total aggregate purchases of goods and services are to be targeted forEDGE (Encouraging Diversity, Growth and Equity)certified vendors, certified by the equal opportunity department of the state of Ohio. EDGE is Ohio's procurement preference program for minority-owned, women-owned, and socially and economically disadvantaged businesses.


Living a sustainable lifestyle means taking care of yourself! CSU offers a number of services designed to support the campus community.

Health & Wellness Services

CSUHealth & Wellness Servicesis a high quality medical facility committed to serving the medical needs of the CSU community. Staffed by certified nurse practitioners and doctors, it offers a wide variety of services including primary and same day care, health counseling, limited in-house pharmacy and lab services, vaccinations, and more. Medical care is available to CSU students, staff and faculty by appointment. There is no charge for most visits. For those students who have Student Health Insurance, there is 100% coverage in the Health Center and only a $5 co-pay for any generic medication dispensed.

Counseling Center

CSU’sCounseling Centeroffers academic, career, and personal counseling, consultation and outreach programming, training, group facilitation, and other services aimed at helping individuals and groups who are members of the campus community meet their respective personal and professional goals. The Counseling Center is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services Incorporated (IACS). The CSU Counseling Center is a member of the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and offers professional psychology internships that adhere to APPIC guidelines.

Counseling & Academic Success Clinic

TheCounseling & Academic Success Clinic是一个提供免费的校内资源,supportiv吗e counseling and coaching services to undergraduate and graduate students of Cleveland State University. Staffed by Graduate Counseling Student Interns, the clinic provides a warm, welcoming, and confidential environment for students to engage in effective decision making, success planning, and self-exploration with the help of a supportive counselor.


LiftUpVikesoffers support for students through the Viking Food Pantry and by offering laundry facilities, lockers, and connections to outside service providers (food & clothing assistance, etc.).

Campus Sustainability Resources

Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

CSU is a member of the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE).

A wide variety of AASHE resources provide administrators, faculty, staff, students and other campus stakeholders with the tools, information and guidance they need to develop a culture of sustainability on campus.Members-only resourcescan be accessed by simply logging in with a CSU email address.