进步新闻 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/advancement Beplay官网下载克利夫兰州立大学新闻 芝加哥州立大学校友/进步交流杰出奖 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/csu-honored-for-excellence-in-alumniadvancement-communications

CASE Region Five represents 400 plus member institutions in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin representing 2,500 professionals in the field.


2019年12月03日星期二21:34:34 +0000 6000933 22418登录//www.bulut-turizm.com
5月13日,周五,兑现承诺 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/radiance-csu-realizing-promise-friday-may-13

克利夫兰州立大学第六届年度Radiance, CSU实现承诺于5月13日星期五下午5:30 - 7:30在Euclid大道2121号CSU学生中心的Glasscock家庭基金会宴会厅举行。

鸡尾酒/小菜/甜点招待会,带有短节目。Radiance 是CSU支持学生奖学金的标志性活动。在过去的五年里,Radiance筹集了370多万美元,为1186名学习成绩良好但因经济问题有辍学风险的学生提供了奖学金。今年的活动将包括与校长Ronald M. Berkman和学生一起庆祝奖学金,并将总统的奖章颁发给克利夫兰基金会的前总裁和执行董事Steven a . Minter。总统的奖章是CSU最负盛名的非学术认可。敏特因其公民领导力、慈善事业以及对CSU和社区的服务而获得认可。Radiance 的个人门票为$250($210免税)。个人赞助金额为500美元(460美元免税,包括一张门票)、1000美元(920美元免税,包括两张门票)和2500美元(2340美元免税,包括四张门票)。也可以获得5000美元或以上的企业赞助。

< p>有关门票和赞助信息,请致电< strong> 16-523-7207或访问www.bulut-turizm.com/events/radiance

Radiance 由克利夫兰州立大学和克利夫兰州立大学基金会提供

2016年4月19日星期二19:58:03 +0000 2594392 13376, //www.bulut-turizm.com
CSU的慈善支持在俄亥俄州东北部名列前茅 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/philanthropic-support-csu-ranks-among-most-generous-in-northeast-ohio
< / div > < / div > < / div > 2016年2月29日星期一14:11:02 +0000 2594392 //www.bulut-turizm.com邮箱12081 KeyBank基金会奖励100万美元,支持CMSD毕业生在CSU完成学位 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/keybank-foundation-awards-1-million-support-degree-completion-cmsd-graduates-attending-csu


克利夫兰州立大学将从KeyBank基金会获得100万美元的赠款,用于资助KeyBank基金会学者计划。Beplay官网下载一系列旨在提高克利夫兰都会学区毕业的学生按时完成加州州立大学本科课程的举措。该资助计划将从2016-2017学年开始,适用于从CMSD来到CSU的新生和在读学生。KeyBank基金会的学者将受益于队列和同伴关系建设活动,与学术顾问的额外参与,在确保校内就业和奖学金机会方面的指导,以及对课程的教学支持。每年大约有150名CMSD毕业生作为新生入学CSU,项目顾问将跟踪这些学生的进步。措施将包括一年级后的留校率、平均绩点和毕业率,目的是将每一项的表现提高到与加州州立大学总体学生人数相等或以上的水平。“这项慈善投资非常符合KeyBank基金会致力于提高俄亥俄州东北部教育的精神。我们与CSU密切合作,以确定克利夫兰学生的独特需求,特别是那些家庭中第一个上大学的学生,我们对有机会支持他们的成功充满热情,”KeyBank基金会首席执行官Margot Copeland说。其中一项举措是一个为期七周的夏季学术项目,鼓励即将入学的新生通过完成必修课和在传统的秋季学期开学日期之前建立同伴关系,成功过渡到大学环境。成功完成该计划的学生有资格获得图书奖学金,该奖学金最多可续展四年。该计划的另一个核心组成部分是扩大学生同伴导师的数量,这是一项计划,旨在确定当前CSU以优异成绩完成课程的学生成为同伴导师。这些人接受特殊培训,能够与教员一起提供额外的教学支持。最新的捐赠延续了KeyBank基金会和CSU在支持克利夫兰学生方面的合作关系,也是CSU最近宣布的1亿美元筹款活动的主要捐赠之一。KeyBank基金会允许CSU开发所需的工具,以确保来自CMSD学校的学生获得成功。 KeyBank's philanthropy continues to fuel a nationally unique partnership between CSU and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District," said CSU President Ronald M. Berkman.

In 2013 the Foundation awarded $1.3 million to CMSD and CSU that created a state of the art facility on the CSU campus that houses the 11th and 12th grades of the MC2STEM High School, one of the highest performing schools in the district. This grant also provides scholarship support for graduating students, early college credit for 11th and 12th graders and professional development opportunities for teachers.

"KeyBank Foundation’s support of our partnership with CSU has been instrumental in easing our students’ transition from high school to college,” said CMSD CEO Eric Gordon. “This gift makes it possible for CMSD students that attend CSU to have the support they need to successfully complete their college studies.”

2015年7月14日星期二15:17:09 +0000 2526795 7706, //www.bulut-turizm.com CSU从克利夫兰城市卫生伙伴关系基金会获得550万美元 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/csu-receives-55-million-from-cleveland-foundation-for-partnership-for-urban-health

向nemed - csu伙伴关系提供的有史以来最大的一份礼物,支持城市初级卫生保健专业人员的教育

克利夫兰州立大学从克利夫兰基金会收到了550万美元的赠款,用于支持nemed - csu城市卫生伙伴关系。Beplay官网下载一项旨在招募和培训反映其社区社会经济背景和文化构成的医科学生,以解决和消除健康差异的倡议。这一消息是6月25日在新医疗专业创新中心的一个社区活动上宣布的。这是克利夫兰基金会为支持城市保健伙伴关系而提供的第三笔赠款,该伙伴关系解决了大克利夫兰地区当前和未来的保健需求。2010年,基金会提供了一笔25万美元的一年规划赠款,2011年又提供了150万美元的启动赠款,使总资助达到725万美元。“这是有史以来对该伙伴关系的最大支持,我们很幸运有NEOMED和克利夫兰基金会有远见的合作者,使我们能够共同解决社区和劳动力的迫切需求。我们的城市居民将从拥有新一代多样化的初级保健提供者中受益匪浅,他们在历史上服务不足的社区接受过培训。这是一个培训跨学科初级保健劳动力的新模式,”CSU主席Ronald M. Berkman说。这个项目的学生有两个入口。在本科阶段,CSU的学生可以进入CSU的联合项目,并在满足升学要求后升入NEOMED。第二个入学点是为在其他领域拥有大学学位的学生提供学士学位后的选择。 Each pathway introduces students to urban health issues and the sociological aspects of urban studies.

Currently, there are 105 students engaged in the six-year program (67 in the CSU phase and 38 students in the NEOMED phase). Of this cohort, 19 percent reflect underrepresented minorities as compared to a student population of 5 percent when the Partnership began. The Partnership has achieved an 85 percent persistence/retention rate for all students and 83 percent persistence/retention rate for students from underrepresented minority groups. The goal of the Partnership is to graduate 175 medical students in the next five years.

“The shortage of primary care physicians who practice in urban areas threatens our most underserved and vulnerable populations, leading to preventable illness and, in some cases, death,” said Cleveland Foundation President and CEO Ronn Richard. “The innovative NEOMED-CSU partnership thoughtfully addresses the primary care challenge as it provides the necessary academic support to students who may not otherwise receive an opportunity to attend and successfully complete medical school. These institutions are creating a new workforce of compassionate caregivers who we hope will dedicate their careers to the health and prosperity of our residents and our community.”

“We have a great track record with our inter-professional, community-based health professions education. To date, approximately 50 percent of our students return to practice in Northeast Ohio,” said Jay A. Gershen, D.D.S, Ph.D., president of NEOMED. “But the shortage of primary care physicians in our underserved communities is at a critical crossroads. As such, meaningful collaborations with partners such as CSU and the Cleveland Foundation are a must to give hope and empowerment in incentivizing students in their academic and career development, and making a difference in the health status, as well as the economic development, of their communities.”

The Partnership takes place at NEOMED and CSU. The Urban Primary Care Track enables medical students to build upon their understanding of urban issues shaping society and health throughout their six years of basic science and medical courses that include a four-year pairing with Federally Qualified Health Centers and health care system providers based in a medically underserved Cleveland neighborhood. An actively engaged 14-member Community Advisory Board, co-chaired by Dr. Edgar B Jackson, Jr., Executive in Residence at CSU, and former U.S. Representative Louis Stokes, has provided assistance in the program’s start-up phase.

“It is very uplifting for our region’s priorities to be addressed from within through collaboration of several of our most important institutions. This partnership will continue to enhance Cleveland’s reputation for excellence in health care and it will open doors for individuals who want to be part of this next generation of neighborhood-focused physicians,” said Rep. Stokes.

Thu, Jun 25 2015 17:54:25 +0000 2526795 7627, //www.bulut-turizm.com
克利夫兰州立大学的竞选活动Beplay官网下载启动了1亿美元的目标和巨额捐赠 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/campaign-for-cleveland-state-university-launched-with-100-million-goal-and-major-gift

Donald和Pamela Washkewicz宣布在竞选开始时捐款500万美元

"An investment in CSU is an investment in Northeast Ohio," said Mr. Washkewicz." We are very proud to contribute again and we are confident that CSU alumni and the community will join us in responding strongly to this opportunity to build on the University's momentum."

The campaign will be co-chaired by Mr. Washkewicz and Monte Ahuja, both of whom have deep ties to the Northeast Ohio business and civic communities.

Mr. Ahuja is Chairman and CEO of MURA Holdings LLC and served on the CSU Board of Trustees from 1991 to 2000, including six years as chairman. In 2011, he and his wife Usha donated $10 million to CSU. The University renamed the Monte Ahuja College of Business in his honor.

"Cleveland State University is a passion in my life and I am honored to co-chair this campaign with my fellow alumnus Don Washkewicz," said Mr. Ahuja. "This campaign will help ensure the continued success of CSU students and provide a pipeline of graduates who are committed to using their education for the betterment of Northeast Ohio..

CSU has launched a website with additional information about the campaign at www.EngageforCSU.com.

2015年5月8日星期五18:43:11 +0000 2526795 7434, //www.bulut-turizm.com
苏利文和戴卡德两家捐赠了230万美元,为寄养青少年创建了CSU项目 //www.bulut-turizm.com/news/sullivan-and-deckard-families-contribute-23-million-create-csu-program-for-foster-care-youth


2014年)——弗兰克和芭芭拉·苏利文夫妇、詹妮弗和达里尔·德克卡尔德夫妇总共捐赠了230万美元,将为脱离寄养家庭的高中生提供奖学金和支持,帮助他们上克利夫兰州立大学。Beplay官网下载该基金将建立Sullivan/Deckard机会奖学金项目,该项目将指导那些脱离寄养体系的年轻人通过大学申请程序。一旦注册成为苏利文/迪克德学者,学生将受益于全面的支持系统。该项目将通过勤工俭学计划提供学费和生活费奖学金,以及在校就业。加州州立大学将成为全美为数不多的提供这种支持的大学之一。第一批高中毕业生将于今年春天确定,并于2015年秋季入学。芭芭拉·沙利文(Barbara Sullivan)就职于“填满这个房子”(Fill This House)的董事会,这是一个为新解放的年轻人提供家庭用品的组织。弗兰克•沙利文是RPM International, Inc.的董事长兼首席执行官,该公司位于麦地那,是一家工业和消费建筑材料制造商控股公司。“通过我在为独立生活提供基本家庭必需品的非营利组织“填满这个房子”的工作,我在寄养系统中遇到了许多聪明而勤奋的年轻人,他们梦想着获得大学教育,为自己建设更美好的未来。我们的目的是帮助学生们在通往成功的道路上开始他们的成年生活所需要的支持。”jennifer Deckard是位于俄亥俄州切斯特兰的Fairmount Santrol公司的首席执行官,该公司提供石油和天然气勘探所需的材料。 Daryl Deckard is general manager of Black Lab, LLC, a Fairmount subsidiary that manufactures custom-blended industrial and commercial products.

"Having opened our hearts and our home as foster parents, our family recognizes this great need in our community. We are eager to enhance the opportunities available to children who have been placed in foster care that come as a result of college completion. We feel privileged to partner with the Sullivan family and CSU in this holistic approach," said Mrs. Deckard.

Many individuals in foster care experience an abrupt end in services from the foster care system upon turning 18 years old, when they are considered fully independent adults. National studies have estimated that fewer than half of these young adults apply to college, and less than 10 percent of those who apply graduate with a degree.

"Through the generosity of the Sullivans and Deckards, and in collaboration with our community partners, we are creating an avenue of access that will allow deserving students to thrive within the university community," said CSU president Ronald M. Berkman.

Interested applicants may contact the CSU Division of University Engagement at //www.bulut-turizm.com/engagement.

2014年12月12日星期五18:35:04 +0000 2526795 6992, //www.bulut-turizm.com