

Beplay官网下载克利夫兰州立大学马歇尔学院法学教授米Sterio和凯斯西储大学法学院教授Michael Scharf花一个星期在毛里求斯,一个印度洋岛国称为度假目的地名人像贝克汉姆,帮助准备即将到来的审判海盗的政府。

尽管他们的领域的专业知识一直是战争罪起诉,在过去的三年里,Scharf和Sterio协助盗版诉讼在肯尼亚和塞舌尔群岛,并被邀请到哥本哈根解决联合国9月索马里海盗问题联络小组处理青少年问题日益严重的海盗。在哥本哈根,毛里求斯的盗版起诉单位,Sulakshna Beekarry,问教授来毛里求斯帮助准备即将到来的审判海盗的官员。

在毛里求斯五天(12月3 - 7),这两位教授会见了总检察长,总检察长,总检察长,警察和安全部队的专员,欧盟毛里求斯驻联合国大使。


岛上的第一天,教授提出了一个两小时的讲座关于处理孩子的问题,盗版在毛里求斯司法部,40岁以上官员参加。Sterio教授说:“孩子盗版已经成为一个最困难的法律问题。”According to Sterio, this is because "child pirates are usually just released upon capture or immediately after trial. As a consequence, Somali pirate kingpins are recruiting more and more children, telling them they have nothing to fear if captured." Scharf and Sterio have developed a four-pronged proposal to reverse this trend.

Sterio说,“首先,海盗需要牙齿和手x射线检查捕获,以确定他们的年龄。”She adds, "presently captured pirates in their late teens and twenties frequently claim to be under 16, hoping to be released as juveniles."

Scharf说,“第二,法官需要治疗和少年海海盗在量刑加重因素。”While this can be done under the present discretion of the court, the two professors urged the Attorney-General to pursue an amendment to the Mauritius Piracy Act, specifying that going to sea with juvenile pirdates will result in enhanced penalties. "The amendment would send a powerful signal condemning the use of child pirates," explains Sterio.



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