
克利夫兰 - 马歇尔法学院任命新的驻地领导人


Beplay官网下载克利夫兰州立大学的克利夫兰 - 马歇尔法学院已任命四名社区领导人为驻地领导人。José C. Feliciano ’75, a former partner with Baker & Hostetler, Sharon Sobol Jordan, chief executive officer of the Unify Project, Carter Strang ’84, a partner at Tucker Ellis, andSonali Wilson, Cleveland State University general counsel, will support C|M|LAW’s educational mission while enhancing its newly created P. Kelly Tompkins Leadership and Law program

“我们很高兴欢迎这四位杰出的律师领导人,他们从法律和公民领导人的工作中汲取了关于法律教育的独特观点,” C | M |法律院长李·费舍尔(Lee Fisher)说。“每个新的驻地领导者都有很多见解,他们将分享这些见解,以使学生,教职员工受益。”

费利西亚诺是贝克和Hostetler LLP克利夫兰办公室的诉讼集团的前合伙人。此前,他曾担任克利夫兰市的首席检察官律师,并且是该市历史上第一位西班牙裔公职人员。在他的职业生涯的早期,他是一名库亚霍加县公共辩护人,是法律援助协会的律师,并于1984年被选为白宫研究员。费利西亚诺(Feliciano)曾在领导能力中为多个组织建立或任职,这些组织推进了俄亥俄州东北部的西班牙裔社区,包括西班牙裔圆桌会议,西班牙裔领导力发展计划,西班牙裔社区论坛和俄亥俄州西班牙裔律师协会。He is a past recipient of Cleveland State University’s Distinguished Alumni Award, the Cleveland-Marshall Law Alumni Association Alumnus of the Year, and is a member of the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Hall of Fame and the Cleveland State University College of Business Hall of Fame.

约旦是统一项目的首席执行官,这是一家高科技非营利组织,致力于创造一个由包容性繁荣提供支持的扩展经济。在加入该项目之前,她在Cuyahoga县行政长官Armond Budish担任了三年的参谋长,在那里她开车促进了幼儿教育的扩张,劳动力系统转型和其他关键举措。乔丹此前曾担任家庭和儿童中心总裁兼首席执行官,并担任克利夫兰市的法律总监。She was recognized as one of the Smart 50 leaders in Northeast Ohio by Smart Business in 2017, Nortech’s Innovative Leader of the Year and an EY Entrepreneur of the Year finalist in 2014, Crain’s Woman of Note in 2013, and YWCA Woman of Achievement in 2012.

陌生是律师事务所塔克·埃利斯(Tucker Ellis LLP)的合伙人,他在大规模侵权,环境和产品责任法领域诉讼。他制定了两项屡获殊荣的多样性管道计划,塔克·埃利斯(Tucker Ellis)管道多样性计划和路易斯·斯托克斯学者管道多样性计划,为克利夫兰大都会学区和肖高中的大学生提供资源和指导,他们有兴趣追求职业职业。在法律中。Strang在C | M |法律访问委员会任职,是克利夫兰 - 马歇尔法律校友会年度校友奖的过去。他是唯一担任克利夫兰大都会律师协会(CMBA)和俄亥俄州北区联邦律师协会分会的总裁。斯特朗(Strang)荣获CMBA年度最佳志愿者奖和CMBA绿色可持续发展奖的正义。

威尔逊担任克利夫兰州立大学的总法律顾问,为大学董事会和校长提供各Beplay官网下载种各样的律师。她于1996年加入大学,担任C | M |法律的讲师,并于1997年成为大学的助理法律顾问。She served as secretary to the Board of Trustees from 2000 to 2011 and was named general counsel in 2004. In 2013, she was elected to serve as the first vice president for diversity and inclusion of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association and currently serves on its Diversity和思想领导委员会。威尔逊received the 2013 Trailblazer Award from the Norman S. Minor Bar Association, was named 2014 Professional Woman of the Year by the Women of Color Foundation and was a finalist in Crain’s Cleveland Business 2014 Class of Top Ten General Counsel and In-House Counsel in the Region. In 2015, she was named a YWCA Woman of Achievement.

C | M | Law的领导者驻地计划成立于2017年,旨在将学生,教职员工和教职员工与志愿者社区领导者紧密联系,他们可以从中学习和受益。The four newly appointed leaders bring the number of Leaders-in-Residence at the law school to 11. They joinJurist-in-Residence Judge Ronald Adrine ’73, Public Interest Leader-In-Residence Susan Becker ’83, Technologist-in-Residence Robert Eckman, Legal Educator-in-Residence Howard Katz, Steve Percy ’76, P. Kelly Tompkins ’81, and Scholar-in-Residence Eric Tucker.

The Leaders-in-Residence Program is a component of C|M|LAW’s P. Kelly Tompkins Leadership and Law program, one of the first comprehensive programs in the country that creates lawyer-leaders by providing leadership education, skills training, and mentoring to law students.