

我不能说足够的如何重要的荣誉在克利夫兰州立大学对我来说。我在布法罗纽约长大,克利夫兰的表弟北东。我从没想过我会在克利夫兰,但是一个朋友建议我申请,所以我做到了。我把我的应用程序的荣誉学院大约45分钟在最后期限之前,尼克的时间我做了我最改变生活的决定之一。我录取基社盟的时候绊倒了克利夫兰,我是与个人的印象当我现在触摸荣誉学院提供学生的喜欢我。优先注册允许我和我的城市研究学位研究生比预期早了一年。我染上了荣誉级别的类也允许我与教授发展人际关系,我现在进行的研究。但是,也许最不被重视的方面荣誉学院的社区发展(在某种程度上,我们的新休息室)。这就是为什么作为学生会参议院议长,我努力工作,会同SGA执行委员会,以确保这个社区表示。今年我们第一次能够任命参议员荣誉学院和更新我们的宪法,以确保这个职位是永久的。 These last couple years have been amazing for me, being able to participate in immigration research with the Urban College, being President of College Democrats, and being the Speaker of SGA can all be traced back to the support I have received from my Honors College classmates or faculty support from the college. So, what I am trying to say is thank you, and I hope that all prospective and current students understand and appreciate this program and what it can do for them.
