
Stephen F. Duffy Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
Center Director
(216) 687-3874


Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, University of Akron

Role with CSU-UTC:

The Center Director provides overall vision, leadership, and direction for the CSU-UTC. This responsibility includes overseeing central management, daily administration, fundraising, growth, and representation to all constituents.

Nigamanth Sridhar Ph.D.
Associate Director, Research
(216) 687-5341


Ph.D., Computer Science, Ohio State University
M.S., Computer Science, Ohio State University
B.S., Information Systems, BITS, Pilani, India

Role with CSU-UTC:

The Associate Director for Research works to align supported research projects with stated CSU-UTC mission and values. Identifying and encouraging innovative, multidisciplinary projects comprise the majority of this work.

Associate Director, Education & Training
(216) 687-3753


Ed.D., Curriculum & Instruction, University of Cincinnati
B.S., Education, Bowling Green State University

Role with CSU-UTC:

The Associate Director for Education & Training works to bridge University level knowledge with education and training efforts in K-12 schools and the community. This work centers on identifying and disseminating best practices for educating students, citizens, and working professionals.

Diane Burrowbridge P.E.
Education Coordinator
(216) 687-3617


B.S. Civil Engineering, University of Akron
M.S. Civil Engineering, University of Akron

Role with CSU-UTC:

The Education Coordinator works directly with K-12 educators, professional societies, university organizations, and industry to improve STEM and engineering education. This work includes raising awareness about the importance of transportation safety and related careers.