新闻研究 Beplay官网下载克利夫兰州立大学新闻 Sathish Kumar博士领导同意研究开发量子传感器电路 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >博士。Sathish Kumar, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) has been awarded a new National Science Foundation (NSF) research award to develop new designs for programmable quantum sensor circuits. The three-year, $799,985 award is titled "Reinforcement Learning for the Optimal Design of Programmable Quantum Sensor Circuit." The proposal includes a sub-award with Dr. Murray Holland, a Physics professor at the University of Colorado Boulder who studies quantum gases and optomechanical transducers.

The team will utilize machine learning (ML) techniques to develop sensors and measurement circuits that take advantage of quantum entanglement and superposition. To date, quantum sensors have been used to measure magnetic and electric fields but the sensors have been limited to simple circuits with only a few elements. It is expected that this research will enable the development of the next generation of quantum sensors and narrow the gap between the current quantum sensor performance and the fundamental limits set by quantum physics. Improved quantum sensors would provide a platform for more precise measurement systems for use many scientific fields.

In addition, Dr. Kumar and his team will partner with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District to introduce quantum concepts to K-12 students to help create a more diverse talent pipeline of scientists in the future.

About CSU and the Washkewicz College of Engineering

Cleveland State University is a public institution located in Cleveland, Ohio. The university has an enrollment of more than 16,000 students in programs at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is currently awaiting reaffirmation of accreditation. Washkewicz College of Engineering offers graduate and undergraduate program. The undergraduate programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) ( To learn more about the College, please visit:

Article orginally posted in the CSU Research Newsletter.

星期二,2022年11月15日23:28:13 + 0000 2085942 2187年
Hongkai Yu博士领导新NSF主要研究仪器格兰特 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >博士。Hongkai Yu学系的助理教授电气工程和计算机科学(电)将领导一个新的国家科学基金会(< a href = "数据= 05% 7 c01 % 7 cc.pokorny % 40 % 7 c14bb46656c054cb8bbe608dac104d4ac % 7 cd7f3e79a943d4aceaeab209030807508 % 7 c0 % 7 c0 % 7 c638034523728405057 % 7 cunknown % 7 ctwfpbgzsb3d8eyjwijoimc4wljawmdailcjqijoiv2lumziilcjbtii6ik1hawwilcjxvci6mn0 % 3 d % 7 c3000 % 7 c % 7 c % 7 c& sdata = % 2 fgqm % 2 bkdahdx65jszqtdg3fvkqmwxljjnayoikne3pv0 % 3 d&保留= 0 " > NSF < / >)主要研究工具(MRI)承认将支持新的计算设备的采集和实现智能城市的广泛研究。434431美元< a href = "数据= 05% 7 c01 % 7 cc.pokorny % 40 % 7 c14bb46656c054cb8bbe608dac104d4ac % 7 cd7f3e79a943d4aceaeab209030807508 % 7 c0 % 7 c0 % 7 c638034523728405057 % 7 cunknown % 7 ctwfpbgzsb3d8eyjwijoimc4wljawmdailcjqijoiv2lumziilcjbtii6ik1hawwilcjxvci6mn0 % 3 d % 7 c3000 % 7 c % 7 c % 7 c& sdata = 1 ptyxk3md4r7nnuk08jlfz7kcrsi8h5a63pbcw847s0 % 3 d&保留= 0 " > < / >是授予题为“收购一个基于gpu的高性能计算仪表智能城市研究克利夫兰州立大学。”Beplay官网下载Co-PIs on the award include EECS faculty: Dr. Sathish Kumar, Dr. Wenbing Zhao, Dr. Zicheng Chi, and Dr. Mehdi Rahmati, and Civil & Environmental Engineeirng faculty, Dr. Jacqueline Jenkins, who is the senior personnel on the grant.

NSF's MRI program catalyzes new knowledge and discoveries by empowering scientists and engineers with state-of-the-art research instrumentation, in turn promoting the development of a diverse workforce and facilitating academic/private sector partnerships.

Dr. Yu's project will establish a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU)-based high performance computer cluster to facilitate and promote Smart City research. While there are a wide range of uses for this new computing resource, the researchers plan to pursue specific projects that will help transform Cleveland to a modern smart city with shorter commute times, reduced crime rates, and a highly robust and secure electric power grid. The researchers also intend to develop new computer vision methods to recognize and evaluate fine-grained activities of athletes to improve training and evaluation of players, leading to Cleveland's professional sports teams contending for more championships.

About CSU and the Washkewicz College of Engineering

Cleveland State University is a public institution located in Cleveland, Ohio. The university has an enrollment of more than 16,000 students in programs at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is currently awaiting reaffirmation of accreditation. Washkewicz College of Engineering offers graduate and undergraduate program. The undergraduate programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) ( To learn more about the College, please visit:

Article orginally posted in the CSU Research Newsletter.

星期二,2022年11月15日23:06:15 + 0000 2085942 2186年
基社盟土地2美元赠款为人机系统物理康复治疗 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > <编辑> < b >国家科学基金会的资金支持残疾人辅助技术帮助< / b > < /编辑> < p >一个跨学科的团队在克利夫兰州立大学< a href = " HistoricalAwards = falseBeplay官网下载”>被授予一份价值200万美元的拨款从美国国家科学基金会(NSF)工作在人机系统物理康复< / >和研究教学围绕这些残疾人辅助技术来提高自己的创造,功能和保留使用。< / p > < p > "是一个引人注目的国家需要先进的研究开发技术对残疾人,”Eric m . Schearer说博士,机械工程学副教授基社盟Washkewicz的工程学院和团队的首席研究员(π)。< / p > < p > "这一技术可以帮助我们显著改善人们的生活,避免摔倒,恢复运动功能瘫痪和肌肉创伤性损伤后再生后,“Schearer博士补充说。“尽管令人印象深刻的设备的发展,残疾人辅助技术在高得惊人的rates-largely放弃,因为他们的观点不包括在开发过程中。" < / p > < p >继续使用障碍包括隐私问题,日常使用技术的适用性,对设备本身的信任,耻辱,和缺乏整体培训。这些可以克服通过更好的开发人员之间的协作和潜在的设备用户通过NSF研究实习(NRT)计划中概述。< / p > < p > < img alt = "基社盟土地2美元赠款为人机系统物理康复”data-delta =“2”src = " // " title =“基社盟土地2美元赠款为人机系统物理康复”typeof = "图像" / > < / p > < p >博士。Schearer是团队的十个核心参与者之一,成员跨越基社盟的机械工程、健康科学、城市研究、生物医学工程和计算机科学部门。< / p > < p >团队的布莱恩·戴维斯博士;黛比·埃斯皮PT博士;Kelle DeBoth博士、工程/ L;尼古拉斯Zingale博士Prabaha Sikder博士。钱德拉Kothapalli博士;Hanz里希特博士和Hongkai Yu博士安德鲁•Slifkin博士,博士,Doug Wajda拍摄,吉娜Kubek,定单计划,4月约克,博士,安妮·苏博士,约西亚Owusu-Danquah博士,以及江吉玛博士(科罗拉多州立大学)。

The long-term vision is for engineers, therapists, psychologists and urban experts to collaborate on physical rehabilitation teams that create technologies empowering people with disabilities—thereby creating more inclusive, cross-functional “wraparound” models around them.

“This [NRT] program seeks to support novel models of interdisciplinary research-based graduate education, with the aim of producing future scholars who can bring together innovative ideas from multiple disciplines to significantly advance convergent scholarly research,” said Nigamanth Sridhar, Ph.D., interim provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at CSU. “This project is a true representation of such a novel model and CSU is incredibly proud to lead on this national stage.”

This article originally appeared on the CSU website.

About CSU and the Washkewicz College of Engineering

Cleveland State University is a public institution located in Cleveland, Ohio. The university has an enrollment of more than 16,000 students in programs at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels. The university is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is currently awaiting reaffirmation of accreditation. Washkewicz College of Engineering offers graduate and undergraduate program. The undergraduate programs are accredited by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) ( To learn more about the College, please visit:

星期四,2022年7月28日21:26:33 + 0000 2085942 2090年
博士气接收从美国国家科学基金会的资助 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >博士。Zicheng Chi,电气工程系助理教授和计算机科学,从美国国家科学基金会获得349999美元为期三年的项目“共存积极有效的频谱利用率,半被动,被动的物联网系统”。项目是设计一个频率无关的后向散射系统(一种超低能耗和低成本的被动通信系统共存和共同神往的(如LTE无线,无线个域网)更好的频谱利用率。< / p > < p >更多地了解研究和Washkewicz工程学院访问 < a href = " " > < / > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期一,2021年9月13日17:05:04 + 0000 2085942 2016年 钱德拉Kothapalli赢得NSF资助脊髓损伤研究 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >博士。钱德拉< data-auth =“NotApplicable data-linkindex”=“13”data-ogsc =“rgb (0 102 51) " href = " = C_KOTHAPALLI " rel = " noopener noreferrer“目标= "平等" > Kothapalli < / >,副教授在化学和生物医学工程系(< data-auth =“NotApplicable data-linkindex”=“14”data-ogsc =“rgb (0 102 51)”href = " // " rel = " noopener noreferrer”目标= "平等" > CBE < / >),已获得299991美元由美国国家科学基金会(< data-auth =“验证”data-linkindex = " 15 " data-ogsc =“rgb (0 102 51)”href = "数据= 04% 7 c01 % 7 ca.m.wiggins % 40 % 7 c47a23edc38f64f3255b808d94798dd77 % 7 cd7f3e79a943d4aceaeab209030807508 % 7 c0 % 7 c0 % 7 c637619545482541589 % 7 cunknown % 7 ctwfpbgzsb3d8eyjwijoimc4wljawmdailcjqijoiv2lumziilcjbtii6ik1hawwilcjxvci6mn0 % 3 d % 7 c3000& sdata = dPecdj2b9LdMAIywKdZWZ16wRR1PWCSw4pDCl23Us % 2部% 3 d&保留= 0”originalsrc = " " rel = " noopener noreferrer”优质棉细布=“ov3vIvRQVhKMCGNPf065j + Bul92b0kB + VyxieFAdZ3U6MRmMjpyzaWY7dYOIVeDz9GnVvbHK + Ky5mrCl4bU0vBIXq16de0BgKzmEBGUjtWj496p5ZMjMFeg0Qk / lmLXHD + veOTdgWbczODf / bGjST1QatPbA3KIGrI88XiBULIo = "目标=“平等”称号= " / /。点击或水龙头,如果你相信这个链接。”> NSF < / >)的研究,以更好地了解脊髓损伤和疤痕形成的影响在物理、化学和生物变化随时间发生在受伤的组织。这个项目,题为“胶质疤痕形态通知可调仿生平台脊髓损伤修复,”博士是一个合作研究的努力与网卡莱比锡大学的阿克伦。< / p > < p data-ogsc = " " >损伤中枢神经系统(CNS)深远,长期的生理后果由于组织的低的再生能力和损伤部位周围胶质瘢痕的形成。本研究的研究将集中在(1)了解脊髓tissue-scale机械性能,建筑,和机械化学的信号在关键阶段的中枢神经系统损伤后,和(2)确定的机械化学的反应中枢神经系统细胞scar-like物理性质。< / p > < p data-ogsc = " " >的文章被刊登在CSU < a href = " // " target = "平等" >研究简报办公室< / >,卷8,翻译。< / p > < p data-ogsc = " " >波纹了解Washkewicz教育学院访问 < a href = " " > < / >。< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期四,2021年7月15日15:21:44 + 0000 2085942 2009年 博士博卡收到印度国防后勤局研究奖钢涂料 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >博士。印度央行< a href = "博卡FacultyID = t_borkar " > < / >,系的助理教授< a href = " // " > < / >机械工程,收到了699397美元的资金从先进技术国际(ATI < a href = " " > < / >)来评价涂料在锻钢零件。抗氧化涂料的为期三年的项目名为“评估锻造坯料。”研究是由国防后勤局(< a href = " " >国防后勤局< / >)在英国《金融时报》。,弗吉尼亚州和国防后勤局< a href = " " > < / >在费城,军队支持。< / p > < p >博士。博卡将引领技术发展和评估商用涂层防止氧化和脱碳的能力在锻造坯料的加热。自动化和机器人应用方法将探索以提高质量,降低成本,改善周期,提供额外的安全。< / p > <人力资源/ > < p >来了解更多关于Washkewicz工程学院请访问 < a href = " " > < / >。< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 2021年3月15日,星期一,18:39:38 + 0000 2085942 1997年 释永信陶教授授予USDOE格兰特 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >美国能源部最近获得1.2美元的研究项目,题为“先进地区能源控制对提高效率和弹性。“项目将由机器人典范,美国技术服务公司,与CSU和克利夫兰热合作,在克利夫兰市中心地区能源效用。这个项目的目标是调查先进系统控制策略,将增加该地区和市级系统效率更成本有效的方法为建立客户提供加热和冷却。CSU的团队是由永陶博士,贝蒂·l·戈登赋予教授和机械工程部门的主席。团队包括安德鲁·托马斯·莱文学院能源政策中心主任基社盟的城市事务以及克里斯·道奇机械工程博士生,撒母耳Owusu-Agyeman,城市大学博士生。< br / > < br / >地区能源(DE)系统提供了有效的加热和冷却建筑物在美国超过一个世纪。进一步扩大的潜力为客户提供更高的效率,研究小组在基督教社会联盟将开发一个基于物理模型来预测DE系统能源需求时间负荷下效率和发现最优控制方案。传感器和调查将被部署到收集客户数据来验证开发模型。模型分析工具将合并的基础远程热电联产(CHP)设备、低温转换,可再生能源发电,电力微型电网DE系统当优化控制。CSU团队还将帮助模型采用关税策略使地区能源效率。< / p > < p >更多地了解Washkewicz工程学院访问 < a href = " " > < / >。< br / > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期四,2020年12月10 17:31:23 + 0000 2085942 1957年 格兰特将有助于减少复发的风险寻求治疗 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > <编辑>克利夫兰州立大学是5个机构接收来自Beplay官网下载俄亥俄州的研究动机资助高等教育部门(ODHE)有关物质使用障碍在俄亥俄州进行研究。< /编辑> < p >资金分配是规定在166年法案的一部分,该授权ODHE总理兰迪·加德纳使用指定的基金合作研究的研究领域。总理奖可能高达100万美元的财政年2020年和2021年来支持研究药物滥用的问题。< / p > < p > CSU研究团队将获得252819美元通过计划调查针对病人的风险模式物质使用障碍和退出。这将包括手机应用程序的开发和自动统计算法来识别风险清醒失误为个人完成门诊治疗项目。个人的目标将是更好地识别需要额外的支持,同时减少复发的风险。< / p > < p >教师参与的项目包括:Ilya·雅罗斯拉夫斯基(心理学),桑德拉Hurtado Rua(数学),凯思琳Lewandowski(社会工作)和Wenbing赵(电气和计算机工程)。< / p > < p >读整篇文章< a href = " // " > < / >。< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期二,2020年1月28日19:55:21 + 0000 2085942 1870年 钱德拉Kothapalli博士和其他人出现在基督教社会联盟研究简报 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > <编辑>钱德拉Kothapalli资助组织再生研究< /编辑> < p > < img alt = " chandra_kothapalli "高度= " 200 "宽度= " 150 "风格= "高度:133 px;宽度:100 px;边框宽度:1 px;边框样式:固体;浮:左;margin-left: 6 px;margin-right: 6 px;”class = " media-element file-default media-float-left“data-delta = " 2 " typeof = " foaf:图像" src = " "标题= "博士" / >。钱德拉< a href = " = C_KOTHAPALLI " > Kothapalli < / >,副教授在化学和生物医学工程系(CBE < a href = " // " > < / >),已获得299873美元由美国国家科学基金会(NSF < a href = " " > < / >)研究聚合物纳米粒子来支持修复受伤的人体组织。< / p > < p > < / p > < p > < / p > <编辑> Wenbing赵和事业单位赢得奖Cybersecure传感器< /编辑> < p > < img alt = " wenbing_zhao "高度= " 166 "宽度= " 146 "风格= "浮动:左; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; margin-left: 6px; margin-right: 6px; height: 114px; width: 100px;" class="media-element file-default media-float-left" data-delta="1" typeof="foaf:Image" src="//" title="" />Dr. Wenbing Zhao, a professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), has received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop cybersecure sensors for fossil power generation plants. The two-year, $400,000 award is a partnership between Dr. Zhao and research staff from Florida International University’s Applied Research Center (ARC) in Miami, Florida.

Additional faculty and students are highlighted under New Faculty and News From the Technology Transfer Office, including interim associate dean of academic affairs, Dr. Brian Davis and Dr. Geyou Ao, assistant professpr, in the department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering.

Please read the Research Newsletter and share the good news.

星期二,2019年10月15日20:18:03 + 0000 2085942 1846年
教授西蒙和Sawicki——帮助受损的孩子走路了 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >研究开发一个儿科外骨骼,由杰西博士<强> < a href = " = J_SAWICKI " > Sawicki < / > < / >强,副总裁研究和教授的<强> < a href = " // " > < / > < / >强机械工程,和丹博士<强> < a href = "西蒙FacultyID = D_J_SIMON " > < / > < / >强,教授电气工程和计算机科学系(<强> EECS < a href = " // " > < / > < /强>),是本月的重点特色研究视频。< / p > < p >博士。Sawicki和西蒙博士合作<强> < a href = " " >派克汉尼汾公司< / > < /强>开发、设计和商业化一个儿科外骨骼为6到11岁的孩子,这可能帮助个人患有脑瘫疾病,如脊柱裂、肌病和神经病变。设备将帮助成千上万的世界各地的个人学会走路,同时提供基本数据,可以改善未来治疗儿童和成人流动性问题。< / p > < p >看< a href = " https://youtu。在这里/ QBVeO_ST-hg " >视频< / >。< / p > < p >这个故事可以发现在办公室< a href = " // " > < / >的研究。< / p > < p > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 0000年结婚,2018年8月15日18:31:21 + 2085942 1772年 商业化的资金你们朱Siu-Tung邱 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p > < span >博士。< / span > < a href = " = S_YAU " > Siu-Tung瑶族< / > < span >,一个电气工程和计算机科学的教授(< / span > EECS < a href = " // " > < / > < span >),收到资金将他的发明,< / span > < em >培养自由平台快速诊断感染的< / em > < span >,向市场准备。技术专利,将被用来为医院实验室提供一个新的平台,迅速诊断血液感染和尿路感染。你们博士< / span > < a href = "朱FacultyID = Y_ZHU61 " > < / > < span >、< / span >副教授EECS < a href = " // " > < / > < span >,获得资金,商业发展自己的技术,< / span > < em >图形基于游戏的用户身份验证方案为移动设备< / em > < span >。< / span > < / p > < p > < span >读篇文章< a href = " // " >基社盟研究简报,< / > 2018年6月问题。< / span > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期五,2018年6月29日16:45:52 + 0000 2085942 1766年 赵Wenbing博士的研究在cleveland.com上突出显示 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >博士。赵的研究、技术来减少后背受伤护理助手中,突出显示普通经销商的cleveland.com网站上的一篇文章中。读完整篇文章< a href = " " target = "平等" > < / >。< / p > < p > < a href = " // " target = "平等" >。Weinbing赵< / >是一个教授Washkewicz工程学院,电气工程和计算机科学项目。他从加州大学获得博士学位,圣芭芭拉》(2002)。他的浓度和专业领域包括容错计算、计算机和网络安全、p2p和网格计算和普适计算。< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期四,2018年4月12日15:12:02 + 0000 2085942 1743年 电子工程学院在办公室研究简报 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < h4 >博士。杰森·哈洛伦博士Sasidhar树胶肿最高的地方在本月的《< em >基社盟研究简报< / em > < / h4 > < p > < img alt = "博士。杰森·哈洛机械工程“高度= " 478 "宽度= " 358 "风格= "高度:134 px;宽度:100 px;margin-left: 5 px;margin-right: 5 px;浮:左;边框宽度:1 px;边框样式:固体;“class = " media-element file-default media-float-left“data-delta =“1”typeof = " foaf:图像" src = " "标题= "博士" / >。杰森< a href = "">Halloran, an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded the first year of funding of a planned four year, National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 program led by Dr. Ahmet Erdemir of the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. The project, funded by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, is titled Reproducibility in simulation-based prediction of natural knee mechanics. Dr. Halloran’s budget under the program is $482,956.

Dr. Sasidhar Gumma,Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Dr. Sasidhar Gumma is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering (ChBME). He joined CSU in January 2017 after teaching at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati for 12 years.

Dr. Gumma’s research interests include development of nanoporous materials for hydrocarbon separation processes, absorption processes for carbon dioxide capture, catalysts for coal liquefaction, and models of hollow fiber membrane contactors for gas absorption. His interest in pedagogical methods for teaching engineering led to the development of an “openware” course module for chemical reaction engineering.

Read entire articles featuring Drs. Halloran and Gumma in the Office of Reesearch Newsletter.

星期四,2018年3月15日15:48:17 + 0000 2085942 1736年
研究通讯功能化学生物医学教授Chris Wirth和罗尔夫鲁斯 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >在2017年8月出版的<强> < em >基社盟研究简报< / em > < / >强,克里斯Wirth博士,助理教授,以得到资助来“改善压裂”。副教授,Rolf拉斯帝格博士的学术wotk热力学数据生成和相关性已开始与德国专家的合作来实现hismodels超级计算机。教授都是教师在我们的化学和生物医学工程部门。< / p > < p > < img alt = "博士。助理教授克里斯•Wirth化学和生物医学工程博士头衔= "。化学和生物医学工程助理教授克里斯•Wirth“高度= " 200 "宽度= " 150 "风格= "边框宽度:2 px;边框样式:固体;“class = " media-element file-default " data-delta = " 3 " typeof = " foaf:图像" src = " " / > < img alt = "。罗尔夫鲁斯,化学和生物医学工程教授“高度= " 200 "宽度= " 181 "风格= "边框宽度:2 px;边框样式:固体;“class = " media-element file-default“data-delta =“1”typeof = " foaf:图像" src = " "标题= " " / > < / p > < p > < span >博士克里斯•Wirth Rolf拉斯帝格博士助理教授,副教授< / span > < / p > < p >请阅读< a href = " // " target = "平等" > < / >文章细节的研究与大学和它如何影响我们周围的世界。< / p > <人力资源/ > < p >, < a href = " // " >办公室研究< / >出版的通讯与信息包括即将来临的事件、研讨会、融资机会,政策变化,创新的建议,被授予等等。补上< a href = " // " >前几个月< / >问题。< / p > < p > < / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期二,2017年8月15日14:46:07 + 0000 2085942 1682年 钱德拉Kothapalli博士合作“防止食源性疾病暴发” < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >基社盟研究通讯最大的故事,防止Foodnorne疾病暴发,凸显了合作的Deaprtment数学和工程学院通过Drs。丹尼尔·本和钱德拉Kothapalli分别。Departmnet Kothapalli博士副教授的化学和生物医学工程。读完整篇文章< a href = " // " > < / >研究简报档案。< / p > < p >博士。Kothapalli也是< a href = " // " >“特色研究”的研究视频系列< / >。他的“研究目标的接口工程和医学,尤其是临床应用在患病或受伤组织和器官再生。”< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 结婚,2017年4月19日18:54:29 + 0000 2085942 1637年 国家科学基金会建议资助建立一个研究经历对大学生在基督教社会联盟网站 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p > Eric < a href = " = e_schearer " > Schearer < / >,系的助理教授< a href = " // " > < / >机械工程,已经推荐了资金由美国国家科学基金会(NSF) < / p > < p > CSU研究办公室宣布,在2016年12月简报,埃里克< span > < / span > < a href = " = e_schearer " > < span > Schearer < / span > < / > < span >,系的助理教授< / span > < a href = " // " > < span >机械工程< / span > < / > < span >,已经推荐了由国家科学基金会(NSF)资助建立本科生研究经历(活)在基督教社会联盟网站。这个项目,题为“在康复工程和计算机辅助技术,“已经建议在三年内获得391825美元的资金。安< / span > < a href = " = A_KARAS " > < span > Reinthal < / span > < / > < span >,学院的副教授< / span > < a href = " // " > < span >健康科学< / span > < / > < span >,是Co-PI。< / span > < / p > < p > < / p > < p >读整篇文章可以在办公室研究< a href = " // # toc”目标= "平等" > < / >。< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期四,2016年12月15日17:40:15 + 0000 2085942 1589年 Washkewicz教员基社盟研究新闻的亮点 < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text-with-summary field-label-hidden”> < div class = "字段条目" > < div class =”field-item甚至“财产= "内容:编码" > < p >教授丹•西蒙·诺兰荷兰和Pong楚出现在了< a href = " // " >研究简报办公室< / >。< / p > < / div > < / div > < / div > 星期二,2015年8月18日18:18:03 + 0000 2085942 1435年